Discover Nonviolent Communication in an introductory weekend-workshop.

The Glasshouse
Kaiserstraße 45
1070 Wien/Austria

Friday, 1. April 2016, 7 pm – 9.15 pm
Saturday, 2. April 2016, 9.30 am – 4.30 pm
Sunday, 3. April 2016, 9.30 am – 4.30 pm
Fee:    € 250
(Does not include accommodation and meals)

If you are interested, want to register or have any questions please contact Gabi:

The Discovery Weekend is an opportunity to learn NVC (Nonviolent Communication) on a deeper level and to share it with people who are important to you.It is for anyone who has some familiarity with NVC and wants a comprehensive introductory training on a professional level, with Thom Bond, a certified NYCNVC trainer from New York.

Participants are offered a deeper understanding and experience of this new generation of communication skills, and establish a clear idea of what NVC is and what it is not.

The weekend takes us from the very beginning concepts to a deeper understanding of the purpose, meaning and implications NVC has in our lives and in the world. We will practice responding and communicating consciously by expressing and hearing, based on what we are observing, feeling, needing, and requesting.

Through exercises, demonstrations, role-plays and more, participants will have first hand experience practicing and ultimately developing skills to bring back into their daily lives.

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like any additional information, please feel free to contact Gabi:


-Observation and Evaluation
-Feelings and Thoughts
-Needs and Strategies
-Hearing No
-Saying No
-Requests and Demands
-Self Empathy
-Difficult Conversations
-What is NVC Consciousness?


-Spend more time in connection with others (& yourself)
-Experience less painful and shorter conflicts
-Move from conflict to mutual strategies
-Have more awareness of your needs, wants and desires
-Have your needs expressed and understood
-Increase congruence between your values and actions
-Translate judgments into dialogues & requests
-Increase harmony and understanding among others
-Stay more centered, open and effective in conflicts
-Have more fun, joy and pleasure

Suggested Experience

Participants should have some idea of what NVC is. Recommendations include attending a “First Mondays” NVC Introduction, reading the beginning of Marshall Rosenberg’s book: Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life and/or visiting

To register for the training please contact:  or  0043/676/684 78 24

If you would like accommodation and/or meals in the house, please book separately under
Hotel Kafeemühle

We hope you can join us!