Astrological counselling
Birth horoscope
Current transits – solar
Current (problematic) issues
Horoscope for doggies
I see astrology as a means to increase one’s awareness. I feel being more aware may help to actively create more choices and lead to a more satisfactory life. Please contact me for an appointment
My qualifications in astrology:
Three Years’ Course with Phoenix Astrology
Astrological Diary
Resolution-Orientated Astrology
Astrological counselling since 2007
My teachers (in Germany): Christopher Weidner, Sabine Bends, Holger Faß
Birth horoscope | € 60,00 |
Current transits – Solar | € 70,00 |
Current (problematic) issues | € 70,00 |
Horoscope for doggies | € 40,00 |
Please contact me for an appointment